There are many ways to administer medical marijuana or to buy my weed, depending on your personal preference and health, you may find one method more effective than others for treatment.
Of course, the classic, and most used method, is smoking.
Smoking medical marijuana may be done by:
smoking a “joint” (marijuana cigarette)
smoking a pipe filled with medical marijuana (or “bowl“)
smoking from a ”bong” (waterpipe)
Of these 3 methods of smoking medical marijuana, the waterpipe allows less tar to get through, by acting as a water filter and helping to “clean” the smoke before you inhale it. Studies have also shown, use of a bong, or water pipe also allows more of the active compounds to get administered making its use most effective. Smoking a “joint” is the least effective, yet also the most popular method, followed by smoking a standard pipe.
Vaporizing medical marijuana:
Gaining popularity is the use of herbal vaporizers to administer medical marijuana. Vaporizing is similar to smoking, however, medical marijuana is heated just below the threshold of combustion, allowing the compounds to be activated by heating, yet never actually ignited. The user inhales the “vapors” that contain high concentrations of THC, CBD, and CBN’s, the active cannabinoids, without inhaling any actual smoke. Studies have shown, while smoking medical marijuana is not harmful as once believed, using a vaporizer to administer medical marijuana should alleviate any concerns associated with inhaling the “smoke” version of medicinal cannabis. (marijuana)
“Edible’s” or edible medical marijuana
Edibles are also gaining popularity, as more and more medical marijuana patients and caregivers begin to experiment with new recipes. Edibles are items such as cookies, brownies, suckers, candies, or any number of items that are cooked with either canna-butter, (a butter infused with medical marijuana) cannabis oil (oil infused with marijuana), or whole pieces of cooked medical marijuana prepared in a dish. Most popular seems to be items prepared with canna-butter. To get a recipe for canna-butter, check the recipe section of this site. We will be adding a recipe soon.
Marijuana Tinctures:
Tinctures are preparations of medical marijuana-infused in an oil, glycerine, or alcohol such base, and are usually administered orally, under the tongue. Medical marijuana tinctures are a very effective way of administering medication, without any smoke or vapors involved, and are said to “kick-in” or begin working at a very fast rate in some reports. We will be posting more information, as well as recipes for medical marijuana tinctures in the future.
Topical Cannabis Massage Oils, balms, and Lotions
Topical applications with massage oils, balms, or lotions may be prepared and used in a way that gives very little or no psychotropic effect (or HIGH), yet they are very effective at alleviating conditions associated with arthritis, joint pain, muscles aches, strains, and other such conditions. By experimenting with different strains, mixtures, and methods of applications, topical uses are just about limitless to a patient with some imagination, and a will to experiment.
As laws begin to open up, and medical marijuana begins to become more widely “RE” accepted I think we will see many more combinations, as research is conducted.
As you can see, there are many more ways to administer medical marijuana other than just “smoking a joint”. If you have never had experience with marijuana, and are thinking about trying it to cure, or help alleviate a condition, but you don’t like the idea of smoking marijuana, consider one of the other choices we’ve discussed, and work with a caregiver you know and trust to see what works best for your condition.
With all the possibilities and a little experimenting, you may actually begin to have fun and develop a hobby of making up new ways to treat your aches and pains.