The Office was aired from 2005 till 2013 and over the span of 8 seasons, it managed to attract millions of fans from around the world. Even today people watch the tv series on different OTT platforms because of its unique content, great comedy and superb cast. People just love watching this show and we won’t be surprised if you are definitely one of them. So, if you are a true office fan, then here are some “The Office” trivia questions that you should check out to find how much you know about it. But, before that, here are some important facts that you should know about “The Office”.

  • The B.J. Novak Story

Greg Daniels, the show’s producer, wanted to get writers and artists who loved Saturday Night Live. Mindy Kaling (Kelly) and Paul Lieberstein (Toby) were some of the artists and writers who were included in the team later on. Morse was played by Michael Schur who later on moved to write and produce the show. Adam Scott also auditioned for the role of Jim Harpert in the very beginning of the show as well.

  • A Whole New Cast

the role of Dwight Schult was played by Seth Rogan and Eric Stonestreet went on to become a member of the Modern Family. But, he also auditioned for the role of Kevin. You’ll be surprised to know that Angela Kinsey went on to audition for the role of Pam before she was handed the role of Angela in this TV series. Steve Carell replaced Bob Odenkirk who was supposed to play the role of Michael Scott. However, we can see Odenkirk playing the role of the manager in the last few episodes of the final season.

  • Krasinski’s Audition Didn’t Go Well

Adam Scott could have easily bagged the role of Jim because the audition with John Krasinski’s did not go quite well. The director had planned to give him the role of Dwight but he was later convinced by the cast to take up the role of Jim. He also caused some serious issues in the audition area as he went on to speak to another person and said “Get it or not, but what made me nervous the most was the show. I love British shows, and Americans try not to pass up this opportunity”. How funny is that?

  • Interviewed Employees For Better Details

Krasinski met with a lot of people who were working in other paper companies, studied their roles, and documented a trip to Scranton, Pennsylvania. His photographs from the city tour are the beginning of the show. In fact, it has been used in Memoir, “Bassoon King: Band Room’s Art, Idiocy” and other Sordid Tales series. It has served as a facilitator for performances with decorations and design in several of the episodes of this television show. The research process helped him to understand the overall work culture really well.

Did you like the facts? These are real life facts that are relevant to the television show. Get to know more about such facts from our website and the office quiz who are you trivias.