Back pains are the most common form of pain, according to popular opinions. These pains are felt by every age group of people, young to adult, to old age people. And the reason is very simple, your back is your core strength, and your whole body is dependent on it to be straight and have a posture. 

The spine is the central support and provides structure to the entire human body. It allows the body to be flexible and supports our weight under all postures. The human spine is flexible enough to move around freely. This is because the vertebrae are not rubbing against each other under any circumstances, which provides the smoothness and quality of free motion, which keeps our back fit and lets us manage our body weight without any lethargy. 

But when we tend to ignore our health physical health, we get into back issues that cause many problems since it is not advised for people to work or be active at all. Experts like Dr. AMR Hosny have suggested getting help as soon as one feels any minor issue to get it checked and sorted out.

But this modern lifestyle has all of us busy and unhealthy

Our routines’ daily task has made us stick to a certain quality of lifestyle, certain habits, and postures, and these habits and routines are wearing down our healthy body, slowly or rapidly (depending upon how bad the situation is). This is the reason why back pains have become so common. Sitting all day, either in the office or in classes has caused a huge issue to our spinal health. And this gradually transforms into chronic pains that we realize in old age, but these pains are not specific to only the old age group, when the amount of pain beats the limit of a body, then even the young generation gets back pain issues due to bad spinal health. This happens in kids a lot since they spend too much time over computers, either gaming or watching shows, and they remain in a certain bad posture that makes things even worse.

Popular Habits that run down our System

Now, when we talk about postures, a lot many people would realize what bad posture they are sitting in right now and fixing themselves up. This bad posture is the main issue. Since we tend to remain in a certain posture for a long time, our spine adjusts itself to the same position, and that causes chronic pains.

The first reason is, of course, the bad posture: you have to fix it, sitting straight while working and taking 10 min break every 2 hours at least to rest your body is important. 

Pinched nerves often cause a lot more than simple back issues, so it is always advised to get professional help, in that case, an increase in weight and muscle degeneration also creates back-related issues. Your sleeping position can either help or ruin your posture so take care of that. And in case of any major or minor issue that makes you concerned, get a doctor!