Category: Shiba Inu

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How To Train The Shiba Inu To Become a Fuzzy Friend And Guard?

Written on November 19, 2020 in Guide

Dog lovers don’t choose while helping the animals. They love every dog, whatever may be their breed is. While one portion of humankindhasshown, even still showing their cruelty to the meek creatures, another group of people is trying to be the rescuer of those left out and tortured animals.

The dogs and puppies who could not even express their feelings with words get poorly thrashed. But with proper training and guidance, dogs can become the best friend of humanity. They are very much dedicated to their masters. Whether you get your fellow human being’s reliability or not, you will get it from these creatures.

What is Shiba Inu?

If you are a dog lover, then you must have heard the name of Shiba Inu Dog Breed. Their origin is in Japan. But the species is a special kind, and any dog lover will love to spend some quality time with it as a pet. This breed has a historical legacy too. It can be found both in small and medium-size.

It is furry and soft to touch. Apart from its cute and attractive outlook, it has some specific characteristics too. All of the features mentioned below make the breed a special and interesting one.

Characteristics of Shiba Inu

As one of the six legendary spitz breeds of Japan, who are distinctively different to identify, Shiba Inu is the smallest and has many special features that make them a massive demand among the people willing to adapt to this breed. Some of them are-

  • The pinhole ears and amiable eyeballs and their color are the first characteristics that you will notice in this particular breed.
  • One of the ancient sog breeds has some adorable furballs all over its body. You can’t just ignore it when around you.
  • The watchful and vibrant nature of the breed makes it a great guard for the household or the place where it stays.
  • You should check its moves when it is hunting spirit or following some clue. The fast and effortless movement will make you wonder how perfect a dog can move, almost like a sportsperson.

  • The personality of Shiba Inu is also courageous and passionate at a significant level.
  • This breed is so enthusiastic and athletic that it can adapt to the mountain environment, and that is why it can become an accompany for you in some hiking experience.
  • In ancient times, the Shiba Inu Dog Breed was used for hunting expedition.

How to train the Shiba Inu to become suitable for becoming a guard?

As the breed has some specific features for getting trained and works as wished by the master, the trainers with professional experience and expertise make them ready to become a guard. The breed is quite eligible for becoming both a friend and a guard to the owner with proper training.

The dog has the hunting lineage; it can perform much better with adequate exercise. If you have a room with enough space or a garden where the dog can regularly run and exercise, it can become more expert and ready to become a safeguard for the household. From identifying an unknown person in the courtyard to welcoming friends and relatives with positivebehavior, the Shibu Inu can do everything if you train them as per your requirement.

It is perfect for becoming a friend and guard with the agility and enthusiasm it has in its nature. The spirited personality it has can be turned into a vigilant sentry for its adopter. You won’t get a much better companion and guard like Shiba Inu ever.