Written on October 17, 2021 in
It’s not difficult to grow cannabis at home, and it’s a great way to learn all about the plant and what you can do with it. If you want to grow weed, then there are some essential things that need to be kept in mind. However, it is not a typical task as by getting help from the Best seed banks, you can start the process of growing cannabis. Here are some tips for beginners so they can cultivate the best plants possible. Following the tips would help you with most of the things that you want.

- Don’t water your plant too much:
Cannabis plants can be sensitive when it comes to watering, but too much or too little amount of moisture will result in many wicked problems that may take years off their life span. When you transplant your cannabis into a new home, make sure you don’t overwater the potting soil. Water sparingly for around 10 minutes and then check back in-between if needed. Cannabis doesn’t need a lot of water overall, but too much can easily cause root rot to develop. Always keep an eye on your plant’s level of water by checking their soil every other day.
- Understand the basics of cannabis cultivation:
Cannabis plants thrive when they are fed nutrients in just the right amount. If you’re new to growing weed, start your plants with small amounts of soil mixed with organic tea for best results. Those who want to get effective results in cannabis growth must be acknowledged of the plant’s cultivation process.
- Lightly press down on the leaves to encourage stomata opening:
This will allow moisture and oxygen in, thereby reducing the chance of bugs, molds, and fungi attacking your plants’ leaves or roots. Once the stomata get opened, then it will enhance the quality of the seeds of cannabis. Moreover, if you want to get the best result for the leaves, it is very important to get attached to the Best seeds banks.
- Use the right type of soil:
A lot of growers use professional-grade hydroponic soils when growing cannabis. While these do work well, you don’t have to worry about over-fertilizing plants since you can control exactly how many nutrients have been added. Additionally, hydroponic soils are better for your plants’ root systems because they have a much larger space to grow.
- Don’t overdo it with the fertilizer:
If possible, choose a fertilizer that is specially made for cannabis plants or use a slow-release one. Too much fertilizing can cause your plants to grow too fast and become stressed out, thereby killing them. Most of the time, it is seen that those who use the fertilizers are thought to be stuck in a situation where it becomes difficult to get the proper output of the plant.

- Prepare the soil at planting time
During the germination process, the cannabis seeds will begin absorbing water from the soil placed in. Because of this, it’s not a bad idea to add a little bit of baking soda or potassium nitrate into the soil around your seeds before starting the germination process. This will also help eliminate excess moisture from being absorbed by your plant’s roots.
The final verdict
In a nutshell, these are some major points that you need to keep in mind while you are doing farming cannabis. Also, if you have never performed the process and are a beginner, then these tips are surely going to help to a large extent.
Written on December 23, 2020 in
We will not make this a typical “top 5” or “best 10 vaporizers” article, since there’s no point on going to the fifth option when it comes to something as important as the Best Desktop Vaporizer. C’mon! This is our weed we’re talking about; nobody wants the tenth best option. You shouldn’t be looking over a third option, and that’s why we want to show you the best desktop vaporizers only, tested and approved by us. Those are the ones we always recommend to our friends and families, and they all work really nice. You can pick any of those without regret, as they’re all great. The main differences don’t concern vaporization, but revolve around the accessories. Those differences will be explained in a table at the end of the post to make sure you select the one that you’ll love. Now, let’s get started:
Volcano Vaporizer: The Best Desktop Vaporizer for Weed
Whenever someone asks us “what’s the best desk vaporizer out there?”, the answer often goes like this: “well it depends, depends on your budget, the vaping style, the expected use, what are you looking for?” Then they may ask back “what if you had to pick one vaporizer and one only?” Then our answer would be: “The Volcano”.

The Volcano is the Best Desktop Vaporizer out there, and to put it in a one sentence: if budget is no problem, stop reading and go get it, that’s it.
The vapor it produces is so smooth, so rich tasting and you can feel every terpene there. It’s definitely the most premium experience in a vaporizer, and everyone agrees with this. It comes both in digital display and analog formats, and it’s up to your personal taste, as they both work equally awesome. One important thing to note, the Volcano works with balloons only (no whip). The balloon method happens to be pretty cool thanks to the valve system which keeps the vapor inside the balloon when passing it or resting between hits. You can spend the whole night filling bag after bag and it won’t blink or fail at all, plus you’ll be enjoying your herbs at a connoisseur level. The Volcano has no remote control, but who cares? This is still the best desktop vaporizer out there.
You can go see the Volcano prices or read a full review we wrote about the Volcano.

Arizer Extreme Q: The Best Cheap Desktop Vaporizer.
This is the best desktop vaporizer under two-hundred dollars. We tell you: there’s nothing to envy from the Volcano when you have an Extreme Q. It has a remote control, two balloons, whip, and a big bowl that delivers powerful clouds while still being affordable. This is thanks to the Canadian company behind it, which optimized this device entirely from a previous version to reduce its cost while improving the efficiency. It works nicely with dry herbs and hash/oils too. You can have precise control of many factors including: temperature, fan speeds, bottom light, sound, and alarm for auto shutdown, everything with the included remote control or in-unit buttons. This is the best desktop vaporizer with everything included. No other vaporizer comes with so many things as this one!
Even when it’s supposed to stay at home, this is a nice device for taking to a friend’s house or meetings outside. I wouldn’t take my Volcano out because of its price, but in this case, both the device is affordable and the replacements parts are extremely cheap and long–lasting, so it’s great for sharing. This is not a toy and the bowl can get really hot, so you must be careful. It is the best desktop vaporizer for taking outside.
Click here to check the Arizer Extreme Q price and availability. You can read a full review we wrote on the Extreme Q right here.
The Plenty Vaporizer: The Best Desktop Vaporizer 2015
This one was built by the same people who did the Volcano and our favorite of 2015! Different than his older brother, the Plenty doesn’t use the balloon filling system, but a specially designed cooling coil which cools the vapor making a more pleasant experience to the palate. It’s definitely the best desktop vaporizer of this kind (and maybe the only one). This, of course, is up to your preferences, so if you think you’re a balloon person, go with the Volcano instead. If you want both the whip and the balloon, go with the Arizer, and if you prefer the cooled vapor go with the Plenty and its sophisticated coil.
The Plenty is the best desktop vaporizer of its kind, a lightweight type, with an ergonomic design with a handheld for holding it. It works with dry herbs and produces stunning clouds of vapor on demand. It has a nice liquid pad for your oils and concentrates. The coil can get hot when used for long straight periods, but it cools down back when you let it sit a little. If you are still confused about buying the best dry herb vaporizer then do take a look at the pros and the cons of the product once. The review section will help you a lot in understanding the life of the product you are buying.
There are many ways to administer medical marijuana or to buy my weed, depending on your personal preference and health, you may find one method more effective than others for treatment.
Of course, the classic, and most used method, is smoking.
Smoking medical marijuana may be done by:
smoking a “joint” (marijuana cigarette)
smoking a pipe filled with medical marijuana (or “bowl“)
smoking from a ”bong” (waterpipe)

Of these 3 methods of smoking medical marijuana, the waterpipe allows less tar to get through, by acting as a water filter and helping to “clean” the smoke before you inhale it. Studies have also shown, use of a bong, or water pipe also allows more of the active compounds to get administered making its use most effective. Smoking a “joint” is the least effective, yet also the most popular method, followed by smoking a standard pipe.
Vaporizing medical marijuana:
Gaining popularity is the use of herbal vaporizers to administer medical marijuana. Vaporizing is similar to smoking, however, medical marijuana is heated just below the threshold of combustion, allowing the compounds to be activated by heating, yet never actually ignited. The user inhales the “vapors” that contain high concentrations of THC, CBD, and CBN’s, the active cannabinoids, without inhaling any actual smoke. Studies have shown, while smoking medical marijuana is not harmful as once believed, using a vaporizer to administer medical marijuana should alleviate any concerns associated with inhaling the “smoke” version of medicinal cannabis. (marijuana)
“Edible’s” or edible medical marijuana
Edibles are also gaining popularity, as more and more medical marijuana patients and caregivers begin to experiment with new recipes. Edibles are items such as cookies, brownies, suckers, candies, or any number of items that are cooked with either canna-butter, (a butter infused with medical marijuana) cannabis oil (oil infused with marijuana), or whole pieces of cooked medical marijuana prepared in a dish. Most popular seems to be items prepared with canna-butter. To get a recipe for canna-butter, check the recipe section of this site. We will be adding a recipe soon.
Marijuana Tinctures:
Tinctures are preparations of medical marijuana-infused in an oil, glycerine, or alcohol such base, and are usually administered orally, under the tongue. Medical marijuana tinctures are a very effective way of administering medication, without any smoke or vapors involved, and are said to “kick-in” or begin working at a very fast rate in some reports. We will be posting more information, as well as recipes for medical marijuana tinctures in the future.
Topical Cannabis Massage Oils, balms, and Lotions
Topical applications with massage oils, balms, or lotions may be prepared and used in a way that gives very little or no psychotropic effect (or HIGH), yet they are very effective at alleviating conditions associated with arthritis, joint pain, muscles aches, strains, and other such conditions. By experimenting with different strains, mixtures, and methods of applications, topical uses are just about limitless to a patient with some imagination, and a will to experiment.
As laws begin to open up, and medical marijuana begins to become more widely “RE” accepted I think we will see many more combinations, as research is conducted.

As you can see, there are many more ways to administer medical marijuana other than just “smoking a joint”. If you have never had experience with marijuana, and are thinking about trying it to cure, or help alleviate a condition, but you don’t like the idea of smoking marijuana, consider one of the other choices we’ve discussed, and work with a caregiver you know and trust to see what works best for your condition.
With all the possibilities and a little experimenting, you may actually begin to have fun and develop a hobby of making up new ways to treat your aches and pains.