Peroneal Tendonitis Podiatry Leicester
This is a condition due to either acute (sudden) or chronic (developing over a long period) overloading of the Peroneal Tendons. As a result of this overloading the tendons become injured and inflamed. In this condition the foot hurts along the outer part of the foot. You may also feel soreness below the ankle and the outer-side of the ankle. Sometimes you may suffer from discomfort in the leg.
There are two Peroneal Tendons that start on the outside of the calf muscles and they run side by side, behind the outer side of the ankle. The shorter Peroneal muscle (Peroneus Brevis) attaches at the base of the 5th Metatarsal bone, whilst the longer muscle (Peroneus Longus) turns and runs under the foot and attaches near the inside of the arch into the base of the 1st Metatarsal bone. Like all tendons Peroneal Tendons are slow to heal because the blood supply to the tendon is reduced.
If you think that you have Peroneal Tendonitis, please call to make an appointment.
Call (02) 164 4958 or use the contact form below for an appointment and for further information.
As mentioned Peroneal Tendonitis may be acute or chronic. Pain and swelling is felt along the outer part of the ankle and along the path of the tendons. Pain is most commonly found at the insertion of the tendon at the base 5th Metatarsal bone. Individuals who play sports or people who have high arches are more likely to develop Peroneal Tendonitis. Pain is normally absent initially at rest but is present when walking, exercising or when standing. This discomfort increases with time and in some cases when there is an acute tear in the tendon pain is immediate with swelling as well as weakness or instability of the foot and ankle.
If you think that you have Peroneal Tendonitis, then it is very important for you to have correct diagnosis made by having a consultation, which involves history taking and examination. Secondly as mentioned above Peroneal Tendonitis is due to overloading and is essential for you to decrease the load applied to the tendon. This can be achieved by:
- Heal lift
- Anti-inflammatory medication
- Physical therapy
- Orthotics
These are required to reduce tension on the Peroneal Tendons. The Orthotic may also have special wedges added to the outer part to decrease the tension further and help to heal the tendons. Furthermore, the Orthotics can help to prevent reoccurrence of the Peroneal Tendonitis. You might get confused between podiatrist and orthotics. To help you out, here’s the answer to the question – what does a podiatrist do.