These are some easy ways that don’t involve exercise to help with your severe back pain, with a little help from, we are here with some of the best ways through which we can treat back pain.
Heating Pad
Aaah tried and true. Heat. We use it in the office every day. While it only really heats the outer layer of skin and fat, it is quite soothing, can allow your brain and breathing to relax, and even relieve pain. A nice home remedy that has been used for centuries. Here is the #1 best seller on Amazon:

Cold Pack If the heat doesn’t work, try ice. It’s the next one in our arsenal as physical therapists to break the pain cycle and is easily accessible at home. Try a big one that will cover a large area of your back. Here is the #1 seller on Amazon as well, and is the same brand we use in the office:
Acupressure Hey, I have to admit this is a new one for me. But Amazon’s search engine is intelligent, and people don’t lie. This one is worth trying, I believe. You lie there like lox and let the acupressure points do their work on you. This may be good in the early stages when, as the title above says, the pain is severe. Or maybe it’s just those several hundred prickly points that hurt more than the back pain, so you forget about your back. Who knows! Worth a try:

Healing Back Pain (book) by John Sarno, MD While you are lying on your heat/ice/acupressure mat, check out this best seller from orthopedist Dr. John Sarno. He has cured many through the power of their minds. It’s a quick read and will be a real eye-opener for most. He has helped thousands through his simple book and seminars in New York. I personally know of a few people that have made miraculous recoveries from his method. Check it out on Amazon here:
Back Brace (DO NOT CLICK HERE!) According to several research studies, back braces do nothing at all to help with back pain. Do not believe the hype or the marketing ploys on the box of the brace/corset/support. Pure fabrication. Don’t waste your time with a back brace, please!
I HOPE you’re not clicking this… Has anybody tried any of the above methods to relieve pain? Did it work? Related posts: 10 Novel Ways To Help Severe Lower Back Pain Surprising Ways To Get Relief From A Pinched Nerve In The Lower Back How to Stop Back Spasms in Their Tracks 4 Unique Ways to Relieve Back Spasms
Most of the time, you’re pretty strong. You can go and go and not have to worry about a single thing on you that hurts, because it just doesn’t. Once in a while though, when you’ve just overdone it a little too much, or you’ve been going and going without taking the time to rest and rejuvenate, you will likely find that you wind up with a little, or a lot of back pain. Now, it’s likely that you haven’t seriously injured yourself if you haven’t been in an accident or taken a fall, but sometimes, your back pain can feel as if you have broken your back. Relax; you may not even have to seek medical attention to gain relief from your pain. In fact, you can probably even get some natural back pain relief.

First things first: when you first notice back pain, you’re going to probably want to lay flat on your back and just do nothing at all. One of the first steps to gaining natural back pain relief though is to begin with an ice and heat program. For the first day that you notice your back pain, you need to be switching between cold and heat to ensure that your back can relax and reduce swelling. You can start with either ice or heat, but don’t leave it on for more than 20 minutes, then alternate. If you begin to feel better, you don’t have to repeat right away, but you should do this routine at least three times in the first day.
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Many medical experts recommend that you get moving as soon as you feel you’re able, but often, that means forcing yourself to resume normal activity, even though you might feel some pain. New research shows that whether you’re trying to gain natural back pain relief or you’re on medication for your back pain, staying still can often just make your pain get worse. So, by the second day, you should begin moving around again. Try to keep your movements fluid and gentle to your body, but remember that sitting still can cause more harm than good.
One of the best forms of natural back pain relief is gentle stretching of your back. Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean bending over to touch your toes, because that puts a strain on your back muscles, but you will need to stretch all areas of your back. Good stretches start with lying on your back legs stretched out flat, feet pointed upward. Start by pulling your knees to your chest and hugging them to your body. Let the small of your back sink to the floor gently and sink into the stretch as far as you can. Once you’re comfortable with this, you can begin to gently rock your body from side to side.
When you’re struggling with an aching back, it may feel as if it will hurt forever if you don’t take pain medication, but the truth is that you can gain natural back pain relief with no negative side effects in no time. Did you know that experts agree that most back pain will go away on it’s own with no help from you within a week or so, but if you are more eager to get up and running again, it’s a good idea to soothe, stretch and massage your back so that you get optimal pain relief naturally.